If you are a Vaporizer lover, the Releafy Glow 2-in-1 Vaporizer Kit is a must try, not only for its gorgeous look, but also for its ability to give you a different experience to immerse yourself in demand of both flavor chasers and cloud chasers.
Vape Releafy Glow 2-in-1 Vaporizer features 2 Operational Modes – Enail mode & Dab Pen Mode,the Isolated Airflow Path makes your vapor more pure.It could be paired with 10mm, 14mm and 18mm female Joint of Water Pieces to get the dense cloud.Releafy Glow is powered by an 1000mAh Internal Battery,it takes just 70 minutes to fill up.
If there is something more you would like to know, click on vapor sales online to learn more.
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